I know alot of independent skype camgirls check out my blog, so I wanted to write about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately, namely, the importance of critical thinking and actually reading the contracts we sign with independent camgirl listing directories.
Independent Skype Camgirls Must Be Business Women
One of the wicked things about being independent skype camgirls is that it’s possible to craft a successful business without a background in business, using only our intelligence and creativity. Hell, while I have my share of degrees I certainly don’t have a degree in business, everything I’ve learned I picked up through trial and error through the years. That said, as independent skype camgirls we are in business, and it’s vitally important that we treat our work as such. This is particularly the case when it comes to the skype camgirl listing directories that offer payment processing.
The Role of Skype Camgirl Listing Directories
Listing directories don’t just offer traffic, they offer payment processing, and most sites that offer processing insist that you use it. There’s nothing wrong with that, and even though I have my own processing on my own sites I do have great working relationships with several skype camgirl listing services. Independent cam sex is a small niche, and I believe ultimately we all work together in that the stronger this niche is the faster it will grow. That benefits all of us.
Independent Skype Camgirls: Read Your Contracts
That being said, I’m often surprised by the lack of scrutiny with which some independent skype camgirls approach financial partnerships with listing directories. To new independent skype camgirls in particular, recognize that each time you sign up to a listing directory site that offers payment processing you are entering into a business relationship that directly impacts upon both your money and your established web presence. As such, before even deciding whether to join any given site you must read your model contract. Of particular concern are clauses that relate to who owns your cam name and content and how payment processing operates.
On the former point, it’s common for skype camgirl listing directory model contacts to include a passage referring to non-exclusive use of your image and camgirl name, it is NOT standard for contracts to grant the site exclusive use of your name or content. Non-exclusive use clauses are necessary so that the site can advertise you and the site but you still retain the right to use your name and images elsewhere. Each are still your property to use as you see fit. In contrast, exclusive use contracts mean that you forfeit any right to use your cam name and images off the site in question, as both now belong to the cam site.
Regarding payment processing, the main question to ask is what happens to your funds if the site shuts down. Contrary to the opinions of many aspiring site owners there is not a lot of money in doing payment processing for independent skype camgirls, in that the most successful independent camgirls tend to use their own processing for their own customers. I can think of 5 sites in the past year that have either ceased operations or ceased payment processing, and as sites pop up to replace the ones that have closed it’s important to pay attention to how your funds will be handled should the sites in which you’re interested in joining struggle financially.
The safest site system is always one which uses a CCBill or Zombaio sub-account system, in that your funds will be sent to you directly from the processor rather than to the cam site and then to you, but there are several sites that use private processing and act as a middle-man between you and your funds. Here, your judgement and discretion is vital. Ask yourself how long the site has been active, does the site have a history of prompt payments, is their business plan sound? How long do I have to wait to receive my funds?
Not Trying To Sound Like The Queen of Doom Here
Like I wrote earlier, I use skype camgirl listing services, they aren’t inherently a bad thing at all, and are of particular benefit to those independent skype camgirls who are just gaining their footing in this niche. Even for established skype camgirls listing directories can play a valuable role. That said, we all have to be smart about the sites with which we choose to do business. Read your contracts, research the history and business plans of the sites and contact the sites to find answers to any questions you may have. Don’t blindly jump on board any new project that pops up. This is your money you’re dealing with, so be smart and do your research.
Happy camming and wishing ya tons of $$$$