Are you Well-Equipped to Work in the Niche of Independent Webcam girls?
Inspired by a peer of mine who created a checklist for discovering one’s ideal cam site, I decided to create a little quiz to help camgirls discover if they suit independent webcam work. Obviously this isn’t a peer-reviewed scientific study or anything, but I do hope it helps new independent webcam girls discover whether they’re on the right track in regards to pursuing work in this niche.
Are you familiar with html and basic website design?
- Yes (2 points)
- No, but I’m prepared to give myself a crash course (1 point)
- No (0 points)
Do you enjoy regular cam sex customers or do you prefer to always interact with new people?
- Yes, I enjoy cultivating a real connection with my regular playmates (2 points)
- I enjoy a mix of both regulars and new clients (1 point)
- No, I don’t like repeat clients and I’m not interested in building an authentic connection with them (0 points)
How many hours per week are you prepared to spend on self-promotion, web design, advertising, etc?
- 14 hours or more (2 points)
- 7 hours (1 point)
- I rarely self-promote (0 points)
Assess your creativity…
- I love being creative, thinking up new ideas and strategies and following through on implementing them (2 points)
- I’m not very comfortable with the unknown, I prefer to do what I already know how to do but I’m willing to push myself into trying new things (1 points)
- Camming is about tits and ass, what does creativity have to do with it? (0 points)
What sort of cam shows do you enjoy most?
- Individualized and unique cam shows (2 points)
- I have a pretty set routine but I don’t mind specific requests (1 point)
- I do my thing, they watch, they cum. Rinse and repeat (0 points)
Assess your skills at maintaining boundaries:
- I’m comfortable establishing what is ok with me and what isn’t. I respect my own time and demand that my cam sex playmates do the same. I’m not afraid to say ‘no’. (2 points)
- I’m uncomfortable with vocalizing my boundaries and I never know what to say when a customer is requesting something (free chit chat, a particular sex act, etc) that doesn’t work for me. I always manage to get through it but establishing and maintaining boundaries is uncomfortable. (1 point)
- I get angry when customers disrespect my time and never know how to handle it smoothly. I have a difficult time vocalizing my needs so customers tend to take advantage of me (0 points)
My approach to camming is:
- A marathon, not a race. I understand that when just starting out building an independent webcam model business takes time, and a tremendous amount of work. I’m willing to invest whatever is required to reap rewards down the road. (2 points)
- I want/need immediate results but I’m willing to invest time and effort for rewards at a later date. (1 point)
- I need money now. Camming is not my future (0 points)
When I am off-cam I spend time strategizing…
- Frequently. I often think about what I want to do next, what I want to try next, how I can improve on things I’m currently doing. I follow through on those ideas. (2 points)
- Every couple of days a thought pops into my head but I don’t often follow through on those ideas. (1 point)
- Rarely if ever. (0 points)
When it comes to responsibility level in providing cam sex shows:
- I want to handle everything. Website design and maintenance, payment processing, promotion and advertising; I want to do it all and I trust my own skill and work ethic (2 points)
- I want to branch out into providing things for myself, but I’m still learning. I’m implementing new skills quickly though, and I’m not afraid of handling new responsibilities all on my own. (1 point)
- I prefer to just do cam sex shows. I don’t want to pursue real payment processing and I’m not all that invested in self-promotion (0 points)
Assess Your Independent Webcam Girl Readiness Score:
0-8 points: The good news is you can still be an amazing and successful camgirl, but the niche of independent webcam girls is probably not for you. If you don’t enjoy the specialized work that comes with running your own independent business chances are you won’t excel at maintaining the required level of that work long-term.
9-13 points: You’re still learning the skills required to be successful in this niche, but you’re on the right track. Try building your independent webcam girl business while still working the network cam sites so that you still have a regular income coming in while you’re learning the ropes. You’re on the right track but you still have a lot to learn and new skills and strategies to implement.
14-18 points: You are perfect for the niche of independent camgirls, and you’re well positioned to achieve amazing success running your own independent business. Trust your skill, your creativity and your work ethic and go for it. (and contact me for a link exchange once you build your website!) 🙂