Love Your Independent Cam Work


independent cam girl Quinn in tight black dress

Ok, first off I want to state that even though I love independent cam work I know even the best job has crappy days, so this isn’t some fan service piece on why each and every client/shift/day is oh-so perfect. Life is life, and some days suck no matter what one’s occupation. That said, what inspired this post was an email I received from a newly independent cam girl who basically composed a rant delineating everything she hates about the job, and then inquiring as to how she could boost her independent cam show income. Huh?

Independent Cam Work Can Be Anything We Want It To Be

The above title is why I love independent cam work; I can shape it to suit my needs, my interests, my lifestyle. I’d actually argue that all camgirls possess this advantage but as independent cam girls we have more latitude than most. We don’t have to worry about cam site rules, customs and preferences, we can organize our work and shape our personas to suit us, rather than the other way around. That’s what I found so surprising about the aforementioned email I received, the chica was complaining about aspects of her work that are entirely under her own control, aspects that she has the power to alter.

Feeling burned out and need a break from skype and live cam shows? Shoot videos and post them for your regular clients to enjoy in your absence, or post your phone sex line for live sex without the cam component. Offer text chat over skype, or just ignore your messengers until your favorite clients drop by. Tired of trolls asking for paypal and previews? Ignore and move on. Most camgirls don’t have the luxury of being able to direct our playmates to any site or service we choose, so to not take advantage of this benefit when need be is to miss out on one of the coolest features of independent cam work.

I receive a lot of emails from newly independent cam girls asking for tips and strategies on succeeding in this niche, and while I try to be encouraging and helpful ultimately this niche is a difficult one in which to thrive. Very few camgirls who ‘go indy’ actually succeed in attaining a sustainable high income doing independent cam work, but a guaranteed recipe for failure is disliking the work, disliking one’s clients, feeling that as an independent cam girl one can just phone it in and go through the motions without negative repercussions.

Indy is hard, full stop. Creating, maintaining and growing a client base is hard and sticking with it through the ‘trial and error’ period is hard. If you don’t find a way to enjoy your time in this niche you won’t succeed, both because you won’t be able to perform to your full potential and because you’ll ultimately resent the time you’ve put in with little in the way of sustainable reward.

All that said, independent cam work really can be anything we want it to be; we’re independent entrepreneurs and we decide how to run our own businesses. What I’m arguing here is that if you don’t approach the niche with that in mind you will burn out, you will return to the cam sites and you’ll have missed out on an amazing opportunity to do your own thing on your own terms. To carve your own space you need to actually care about it though, you need to find something fulfilling in what you do in order to make all the hard work worth it.

I haven’t as of yet responded to the aforementioned email, to be honest considering the tone of it I suspect she’s left the niche already, but still I thought it was worth writing about here if only to give new skype cam girls a sense that they’re not alone if they’re feeling frustrated. Never forget that YOU choose how to run your business, and that as a skype camgirl you have the privilege of designing your work to suit you. There’s tremendous power in the fact that you decide how you work and when you work. In sum, find something to love in this field or chances are you will crash out. Not every day (particularly when just starting out) will be sunshine and roses, but if you embrace your job as YOU define it you’ll build a strong client base who enjoy you because you enjoy them, and your hard work will pay off.

Beyond that, life is too damn short to not love what you do. Good luck out there.

How to Explore Fetish Cam Sex

fetish cam sex girl topless in stockings

Fetish Cam Sex Should be Personalized

As a fetish camgirl there’s nothing that makes me cringe more than a guy who contacts me asking for “something kinky”. I mean, seriously. Could this possibly be any more vague? πŸ™‚ The reason why I cringe is that while the whole point of fetish cam sex is to explore desire, an implicit corollary to that is the point that fetish cam sex should be individualized. A fetish cam sex show I do with one guy won’t necessarily translate to an intense experience if explored with a completely different person. Every individual is unique and therefore so should be the shows themselves, which is why I’d argue that paint-by-numbers fetish cam sex is an oxymoronic term. I can’t just create a scenario all by myself.

Still, every one has to start somewhere, right? Not all that long ago some of the forms of fetish cam sex I enjoy the most were brand new to me, so I don’t expect that everyone who wants to explore kink is an expert on the subject. In fact some of my favorite fetish cam sex shows are ones where I introduce guys to a new form of roleplay or fetish, as it’s awesome seeing the excitement that can emerge when exploring the unknown. I have a pretty creative mind and I love to suggest new roleplay and fetish scenarios, that’s a huge part of what makes cam sex fun for me.Β Still, I’m not a mind reader. πŸ™‚ What’s kinky to one individual may be boring as hell to another, and while fetish concepts transfer well to different fetish cam sex shows, fetish skype sex is always hotter when it’s personalized to every session.

How to Ask For Satisfying Fetish Cam Sex

Any fetish camgirl worth her salt will naturally bring a ton of creativity to her fetish cam sex shows, but in order to ensure you actually receive an experience that blows your mind you need to fantasize a bit about what you want. Ironically this is even more important if you don’t know what you want. πŸ™‚ Close your eyes and let you mind wander…what is she wearing in your mind? Do you want to feel seized and molded to suit her whims or do you want to control the action? In your fantasy does the power shift mid way? What is your favorite part of the female body? Is she bitchy and cruel, innocent and inexperienced, seductive and sensual? Even the most seemingly insignificant details can provide a wicked jumping off point, so let your fetish camgirl know what is in your head and she can go from there…crafting a fetish cam sex experience personalized to what makes you tick.

Fetish Cam Sex is Uninhibited and Exploratory

While I love it when guys share their fully-formed fantasies and desires with me, introducing me to something new, some of my favorite fetish cam sex experiences have been ones that are a meander down what I like to call the garden path. At the beginning neither of us know exactly how to experience will turn out but we jump into it anyways, feeding off each other’s energy and excitement to create something awesome. You don’t need to be an expert in kink to experience wicked fetish cam sex, but you are an integral part of the experience. To get what will really drive you wild you have to be willing to share your fantasies and be a part of the creation, not a passive observer of someone else’s idea of what’s hot.

To have wicked fetish cam sex be willing to talk about what you want after you book a skype show. Share your thoughts and fantasies and really participate in the process of creating the experience. The fetish cam sex experience will be far more intense if you do, because you’ll actually be a part of it.

Do You and Eff the Noise: A Camgirl Mantra


camgirl in blue tank top and jeans

While every skype camgirl needs to keep on top of events in her niche as they unfold, there’s such a thing as being too involved. πŸ™‚ Here I’ll be discussing the policing of others through what I simply term ‘the noise’ and I’ll be adding my view on why this sort of micromanaging is a total waste of time.

What is the Noise: Camgirl Distractions

Simply put, I characterize ‘the noise’ as paying far too much attention to what other cam girls do, say and charge, and I really believe that in order to achieve your peak level of camgirl success you need to avoid that kind of distraction. This noise is a risk for all types of camgirls but I think independent camgirls can be much more negatively impacted by these distractions because we occupy a smaller niche than our peers who work the ‘big box’ cam sites, and we often share customers in common due to the smaller pool of playmates who choose skype cam sex shows (although happily this pool is growing rapidly, to all our benefit) πŸ™‚ We know our peers in this niche, we visit each other’s sites and we stay on top of changes as they occur in our little niche of the cam sex world, and the reality is it’s impossible to be successful while not paying attention to changes as they unfold. That said, being over-involved in the choices of others is self-defeating and distracts from the goal of building strong and independent camgirl businesses.

Staying attuned to the industry is far different than obsessing over the actions of our peers. Every day I read and hear independent camgirls complain about the rates charged by others and the types of shows offered by others and I think this is type of mentality is a total waste of focus and energy. Yes, we’re all ultimately competitors in this niche, but the singular actions of another camgirl can never hurt your bottom line or your business. Below I’ll be outlining and rebutting some of the main ‘noise’ complaints I come across.

Camgirls Who Charge Less are Ruining My Business!

Deep breath sister, no they’re not. Here’s why: men who visit independent camgirls are seeking unique and personalized skype cam sex experiences, if all they wanted was a lowest cost option they’s be on a free tube site watching videos, not messaging you. Cam show cost is not the determining factor for most cam sex customers, they simply want to have a wicked time with a camgirl who shares their vibe and interests.

While as a group we do collectively set the tone for average rates in our niche, for most guys rates aren’t the primary concern: finding the perfects camgirl (or camgirls) for them is. Truth is, even the guys who are ‘bargain hunters’ quickly realize that girls who charge far below average tend to give their shows less than their all, but most guys they simply want a camgirl they click with, a camgirl they know will do their best to make a cam sex show extraordinary. Charge whatever you need to make doing skype cam shows worthwhile and the guys who want what you offer will come.

Cam Girls Who Do Extreme Acts are Taking My Customers: I Can’t Compete With That!

Speaking as an independent camgirl who isn’t comfortable with extreme acts, my reply would simply be this: don’t compete. The types of shows desired by our playmates are as varied and expansive as our customer base itself: not every guy is looking for double anal while squirting and spinning a top. πŸ™‚ If you don’t want to perform extreme acts, carve out a unique niche for yourself and rock it.

I’m trying to be careful about how I word this section, because I don’t want to suggest that there’s anything wrong with camgirls who perform extreme acts or the customers who enjoy them. Truth is there isn’t anything wrong with extreme: it’s simply a matter of personal boundaries and personalized tastes. All I’m saying is that there’s no need to feel threatened by girls who do extreme cam shows, they’ve simply chosen a niche that works for them. There’s no real reason why any camgirl needs to follow ANY particular path in order to achieve success, so choose another niche and excel within it. Do your own thing amazing well and the guys will come. Even better, they’ll revisit you. πŸ™‚

I’m a pretty staid camgirl when it comes to extreme shows…hell, I don’t even do anal, but I’ve never felt that my choices have hindered my earnings. This is because I’ve focused upon other aspects of cam sex that I do enjoy and I’ve tried hard to cultivate my skills in my chosen niches. For real, getting all upset over a camgirl who chooses to perform a different style of cam sex than oneself is about as logical as getting irked by camgirls who speak another language. Not every camgirl will appeal to every customer, so make sure you do your best to stand out in your niche by giving your shows 100% every time you turn on your cam.

That Camgirl Said Something Awful on Twitter

Ahhh, the twitter wars. As I’ve talked about before I’m doing my best to use twitter even though I hate it, and I’m constantly amazed by how many people seem to enjoy fighting with strangers online. This is the worst type of time wasting, AND advertising, as every camgirl who engages in social media fighting is essentially broadcasting to the world that she has way too much time on her hands. Camgirls who are successful and busy don’t have time for this sort of thing. Even worse, the only people who would be interested in this type of drama are those who are equally bored, and those people aren’t customers. In reality, our playmates visit us to get away from discord and drama; they seek escape, not the burden of immature scuffles. Fighting on the internet is not smart or hot; rather it alienates real customers and attracts bored cellar dwellers who will never book a show but hang around for the cat fight. Walk away and be the better person, it isn’t worth damaging your image or your peace of mind over nonsense.

Why Is ‘The Noise’ So Damaging?

I look at the matter this way: as an independent camgirl I’m responsible for every aspect of my business. If I succeed it’s due to me. If I fail I’m responsible. Taking responsibility for our businesses is a vital mentality for all entrepreneurs, in that the alternative of focusing on perceived external barriers to success prevents us from focusing on what WE can do to alter and adapt to enhance our bottom line. Focusing on the behaviors of others detracts from us focusing on ourselves, and it negates the power we have to forge our own unique enterprises through our own unique ideas. Blaming others is the opposite of taking responsibility, and I’ve found that cam girls who rail against and police the actions of their peers tend to forget that they have a tremendous amount of agency in determining the success or failure of their business.

In sum, ‘the noise’ is a toxic element involving the overpolicing of peers, and every camgirl focused upon building a successful business needs to avoid it. Do your own thing, do it exceedingly well and you’ll find that the actions/behaviours of your peers that you find objectionable aren’t at all relevant to your business. Trust your work ethic, trust your skills and give this job 100% and you’ll succeed no matter who else is doing what. Do you and fuck the noise.

The Evil Maid: Cam Show Roleplay

cam show snapshot

The Cleaning Staff Knows All Your Secrets πŸ™‚

I love it when cam show roleplay ideas kinda fall on top of me. I was cleaning out my closets the other day and I stumbled upon a little ‘slutty maid’ style outfit I’d completely forgotten that I own, hidden as it was under about a zillion pairs of black lace panties that came cascading down upon me as I tipped over a box on a high shelf. The perils of monochromatic lingerie and gravity πŸ™‚ Β Anyways, I tried it on and discovered that I still rock it, so I’ve been incorporating it into a lot of the skype cam show roleplays that I’ve been getting into recently. I get like that sometimes…I’m inspired by a theme or idea and run with it until I get bored and move on to something new.


Anyways, during on recent cam show roleplay I got into it deep…we started off with me as a subservient and slutty little servant who is treated like a little sex toy until, shock of shock, I stumble across my employer’s panty collection. Look who has the power now? πŸ™‚ My playmate (no pics of him here, he’s shy) modelled several pairs of his own panties for me as I teased him with my pearl g-string panties ( barely hidden under the hem of my uber-short dress) and mocked him in, well, every evil way I could think of. He was on his knees, begging me to keep his secrets as I laughed and humiliated him. It was awesome πŸ™‚

I love cam show roleplay that doesn’t just involve Dom/sub, but that also involve elements of power exchange as the roleplay progresses. I get a huge thrill out of the tables being turned as I take control, and I love taking cam show journeys with guys who are playful enough to let things unfold as they may. Normally I’m a little bummed when a guy who wants to be profiled here is too shy to pose for pics but to tell the truth we were so into the vibe of our cam show I think it would detracted from the mood if we’d stopped to take pics. I figured y’all would enjoy seeing some of mine anyways, so I’ll simply end with this: Davide, put on your pink lace panties and double my salary. Now πŸ˜€

cam show roleplay as evil sexy maid

Independent Webcam Girls Readiness Quiz


independent webcam girls smoking on skype topless

Are you Well-Equipped to Work in the Niche of Independent Webcam girls?

Inspired by a peer of mine who created a checklist for discovering one’s ideal cam site, I decided to create a little quiz to help camgirls discover if they suit independent webcam work. Obviously this isn’t a peer-reviewed scientific study or anything, but I do hope it helps new independent webcam girls discover whether they’re on the right track in regards to pursuing work in this niche.

Are you familiar with html and basic website design?

  • Yes (2 points)
  • No, but I’m prepared to give myself a crash course (1 point)
  • No (0 points)

Do you enjoy regular cam sex customers or do you prefer to always interact with new people?

  • Yes, I enjoy cultivating a real connection with my regular playmates (2 points)
  • I enjoy a mix of both regulars and new clients (1 point)
  • No, I don’t like repeat clients and I’m not interested in building an authentic connection with them (0 points)

How many hours per week are you prepared to spend on self-promotion, web design, advertising, etc?

  • 14 hours or more (2 points)
  • 7 hours (1 point)
  • I rarely self-promote (0 points)

Assess your creativity…

  • I love being creative, thinking up new ideas and strategies and following through on implementing them (2 points)
  • I’m not very comfortable with the unknown, I prefer to do what I already know how to do but I’m willing to push myself into trying new things (1 points)
  • Camming is about tits and ass, what does creativity have to do with it? (0 points)

What sort of cam shows do you enjoy most?

  • Individualized and unique cam shows (2 points)
  • I have a pretty set routine but I don’t mind specific requests (1 point)
  • I do my thing, they watch, they cum. Rinse and repeat (0 points)

Assess your skills at maintaining boundaries:

  • I’m comfortable establishing what is ok with me and what isn’t. I respect my own time and demand that my cam sex playmates do the same. I’m not afraid to say ‘no’. (2 points)
  • I’m uncomfortable with vocalizing my boundaries and I never know what to say when a customer is requesting something (free chit chat, a particular sex act, etc) that doesn’t work for me. I always manage to get through it but establishing and maintaining boundaries is uncomfortable. (1 point)
  • I get angry when customers disrespect my time and never know how to handle it smoothly. I have a difficult time vocalizing my needs so customers tend to take advantage of me (0 points)

My approach to camming is:

  • A marathon, not a race. I understand that when just starting out building an independent webcam model business takes time, and a tremendous amount of work. I’m willing to invest whatever is required to reap rewards down the road. (2 points)
  • I want/need immediate results but I’m willing to invest time and effort for rewards at a later date. (1 point)
  • I need money now. Camming is not my future (0 points)

When I am off-cam I spend time strategizing…

  • Frequently. I often think about what I want to do next, what I want to try next, how I can improve on things I’m currently doing. I follow through on those ideas. (2 points)
  • Every couple of days a thought pops into my head but I don’t often follow through on those ideas. (1 point)
  • Rarely if ever. (0 points)

When it comes to responsibility level in providing cam sex shows:

  • I want to handle everything. Website design and maintenance, payment processing, promotion and advertising; I want to do it all and I trust my own skill and work ethic (2 points)
  • I want to branch out into providing things for myself, but I’m still learning. I’m implementing new skills quickly though, and I’m not afraid of handling new responsibilities all on my own. (1 point)
  • I prefer to just do cam sex shows. I don’t want to pursue real payment processing and I’m not all that invested in self-promotion (0 points)


Assess Your Independent Webcam Girl Readiness Score:

0-8 points: The good news is you can still be an amazing and successful camgirl, but the niche of independent webcam girls is probably not for you. If you don’t enjoy the specialized work that comes with running your own independent business chances are you won’t excel at maintaining the required level of that work long-term.

9-13 points: You’re still learning the skills required to be successful in this niche, but you’re on the right track. Try building your independent webcam girl business while still working the network cam sites so that you still have a regular income coming in while you’re learning the ropes. You’re on the right track but you still have a lot to learn and new skills and strategies to implement.

14-18 points: You are perfect for the niche of independent camgirls, and you’re well positioned to achieve amazing success running your own independent business. Trust your skill, your creativity and your work ethic and go for it. (and contact me for a link exchange once you build your website!) πŸ™‚