Skype Webcam Shows Inspire Orgasms, Not Ovations


camgirls smoking during skype webcam shows

Skype Webcam Shows Culminate With Orgasms, Not Ovations….

Because there are no ‘shows’ in skype webcams shows πŸ™‚ I came up with this new motto in an after-glow bliss after a particularly intense skype webcam show with a playmate who led ME down a garden path into a sensual, erotic, and slightly (deliciously) twisted fantasy that left us both a little giddy and breathless. This particular playmate was new to skype webcam shows, in fact I had the honor of inaugurating him into this little corner of the webcam sex world, and I think I blew his mind slightly. I hope I did, because the favor was definitely returned in kind.

Ultimately the absence of routine is my favorite thing about skype webcam shows compared to the mainstream cam sites I used what feels like decades ago (although technically it’s been five years). I never feel like I’m ‘performing’ for someone, rather, I experience things with my playmates, co-creating something wholly organic that speaks to us at that specific moment, in a specific mood. The opposite of a ‘show’. Sure every now and then I encounter a guy who wants a ‘faster, harder, do twelve different positions for me in 10 minutes bb’, but luckily those types are few and far between amongst the guys who are drawn to skype webcam shows, and I’m a happier (and far more satisfied) camgirl because of that. πŸ™‚

I know I typically write about fetish skype webcam shows here on my cam sex blog, but I felt this experience warranted an entry even beyond introducing my new little motto upon the world, as it really illustrates how wicked skype webcam shows can be when the bullshit parameters of the cam sites are taken out of the equation, when two people in search of something both intense and profound encounter each other and let the magic happen.

That’s what skype webcam shows are about, two people coming together to share a moment that is far hotter than any specific sex act could ever be. Ovations are for stages, full stop. Skype webcam shows are about inspiring something far more satisfying.

How to Explore Fetish Cam Sex

fetish cam sex girl topless in stockings

Fetish Cam Sex Should be Personalized

As a fetish camgirl there’s nothing that makes me cringe more than a guy who contacts me asking for “something kinky”. I mean, seriously. Could this possibly be any more vague? πŸ™‚ The reason why I cringe is that while the whole point of fetish cam sex is to explore desire, an implicit corollary to that is the point that fetish cam sex should be individualized. A fetish cam sex show I do with one guy won’t necessarily translate to an intense experience if explored with a completely different person. Every individual is unique and therefore so should be the shows themselves, which is why I’d argue that paint-by-numbers fetish cam sex is an oxymoronic term. I can’t just create a scenario all by myself.

Still, every one has to start somewhere, right? Not all that long ago some of the forms of fetish cam sex I enjoy the most were brand new to me, so I don’t expect that everyone who wants to explore kink is an expert on the subject. In fact some of my favorite fetish cam sex shows are ones where I introduce guys to a new form of roleplay or fetish, as it’s awesome seeing the excitement that can emerge when exploring the unknown. I have a pretty creative mind and I love to suggest new roleplay and fetish scenarios, that’s a huge part of what makes cam sex fun for me.Β Still, I’m not a mind reader. πŸ™‚ What’s kinky to one individual may be boring as hell to another, and while fetish concepts transfer well to different fetish cam sex shows, fetish skype sex is always hotter when it’s personalized to every session.

How to Ask For Satisfying Fetish Cam Sex

Any fetish camgirl worth her salt will naturally bring a ton of creativity to her fetish cam sex shows, but in order to ensure you actually receive an experience that blows your mind you need to fantasize a bit about what you want. Ironically this is even more important if you don’t know what you want. πŸ™‚ Close your eyes and let you mind wander…what is she wearing in your mind? Do you want to feel seized and molded to suit her whims or do you want to control the action? In your fantasy does the power shift mid way? What is your favorite part of the female body? Is she bitchy and cruel, innocent and inexperienced, seductive and sensual? Even the most seemingly insignificant details can provide a wicked jumping off point, so let your fetish camgirl know what is in your head and she can go from there…crafting a fetish cam sex experience personalized to what makes you tick.

Fetish Cam Sex is Uninhibited and Exploratory

While I love it when guys share their fully-formed fantasies and desires with me, introducing me to something new, some of my favorite fetish cam sex experiences have been ones that are a meander down what I like to call the garden path. At the beginning neither of us know exactly how to experience will turn out but we jump into it anyways, feeding off each other’s energy and excitement to create something awesome. You don’t need to be an expert in kink to experience wicked fetish cam sex, but you are an integral part of the experience. To get what will really drive you wild you have to be willing to share your fantasies and be a part of the creation, not a passive observer of someone else’s idea of what’s hot.

To have wicked fetish cam sex be willing to talk about what you want after you book a skype show. Share your thoughts and fantasies and really participate in the process of creating the experience. The fetish cam sex experience will be far more intense if you do, because you’ll actually be a part of it.

Skype Sex Shows with a Side of Dirty Talk

skype sex shows with sexy nude camgirl quinnSkype Sex Shows are Even Hotter With a Filthy Tongue

Probably one of my favorite things about doing skype sex shows rather than greeting my playmates on a webcam site is the skype audio feature. Sure, on the cam sites phone is always an option, but phone with cam can be a bit unwieldly in that it distracts the hands from other more orgasmic pursuits. πŸ™‚

I’ve been thinking about that today cuz today I’ve done a series of skype sex shows with some of the finest dirty-talkers I’ve ever encountered on cam, and the aural element added something amazing to each one. There’s something incredibly hot about hearing a man moan, beg, tease, command along with seeing him, and I really appreciate (and adore) guys who aren’t afraid to really let loose and go full out with dirty talk, no matter the scenario audio adds something special to the experience. Really wicked dirty talk doesn’t come naturally to many, and I know a lot of guys (and camgirls) struggle with it a bit at first, feeling self-conscious and unsure as to whether their words are cheesy instead of hot. Let me put all that to rest right here and now, there is no such thing as cheesy dirty talk when it’s done in the context of two people diving into a skype sex shows…I mean, it’s not like the blood is all in our brains at that point anyways. Truth is, Β I consider myself to be a wicked dirty talker and yet some of the things I say during my skype sex shows would make me laugh out loud if I said ’em off cam or out of bed. That’s my point; dirty talk should be stream of consciousness, it should be a little bit ridiculous.

So yeah, along with cam to cam, skype sex shows with dirty talk can transform an experience from an ‘idea’ that’s somewhat artificial into something that feels authentic and divine. I know not every guy can use audio during skype sex shows, but when you can you gotta go for it. Huge props to the guys who do go for it, and who do it so damn well. Those are the kinds of shows that make a camgirl think, ‘god damn that was hot’.

To meet me on skype for a private (and loud) skype sex show, visit my skype cam sex booking page and then turn up your volume and let your imagination run wild.

Sometimes Fetish Skype Shows Surprise Even Me

fetish skype shows with camgirl Quinn

When Intimacy and Anonymity Meet Fetish Skype Sex Gets Explosive

Normally when I write here about fetish skype shows I tend to focus on the shows themselves, but today I want to do something a little different. I had a fetish skype show experience tonight that totally blew me away and I feel compelled to write about it, not just because the experience itself was awesome but because it revealed something unique and important about fetish skype sex, namely the ability it affords us to explore fantasies and desires that we aren’t quite ready to unleash upon the world.

As I’ve written before, one of my fav things about fetish skype shows is that they are once totally anonymous and totally intimate. As a result it’s the perfect venue for exploring desires without having to worry about how those desires may be perceived by close family and friends. Tonight was a perfect example of that, when a regular playmate worked up the courage to add an extra element to our roleplay that we hadn’t explored up until that point. Even before we got on cam he admitted that the new element was difficult for him to even articulate, but I’m so glad we did because holy fuck the experience was intense. Simply put: I’d never seen him quite that turned on during our prior sessions.

I felt pretty honored that he chose me as his partner in acting out his private fantasy, and even more so knowing that in doing so he had revealed something intensely personal and private that wasn’t all that easy for him to articulate initially. It didn’t occur to me at the time but thinking about the fetish skype show session later it hit me: THIS is what skype sex is all about. No matter where on the globe we reside we all live in societies that place rigid (and frankly quite boring) rules on what’s considered ‘normal’, and truth is sex is about exploring; exploring what turns us on, what fascinates us, what really makes us tick. The anonymity of cam sex enables us all to explore those fantasies and desires in ways we may not feel comfortable exploring off cam in ‘real life’ and that’s what makes it more than just a passive exchange of orgasms. It’s about revealing ourselves in a shared and safe private space.

I knew all that intellectually before, I mean hell I’ve written about it enough, but tonight really showed me exactly HOW the safe space of fetish skype sex allows us to explore things we may not feel comfortable doing otherwise. Not all fetish skype shows are profound, nor do they need to be, but this one was and it felt awesome. To the totally anonymous individual who shared that wicked experience with me, huge thanks for letting me share such a potent and private fantasy.

It was awesome, as are you πŸ™‚

How to Find Real Skype Camgirls

tanned camgirls on webcam

Skype Camgirls Are Becoming Big Business

The fact that skype camgirls are becoming increasingly popular is a great thing, it’s what I’ve always hoped would happen in this niche, but along with the good comes a downside. While most of the skype camgirls you’ll find online are legitimate, real independent camgirls running our cam shows and cam sex businesses, as the niche becomes more popular so arrive the bottom feeders searching for a quick buck.

As the niche grows beyond a small handful of dedicated performers, as an independent cam show customer you may be wondering how to avoid scammers and low quality shows and get the real, authentic and intense interactions you’re seeking. To that end, here I’ll be delving into what to look for and what to avoid when searching for independent camgirls to play with.

Real Independent Skype Camgirls Have Websites

As independent skype camgirls our websites are our ‘home’ on the web, without our websites we can’t provide sustainable payment processing or promote ourselves effectively. In short, an independent camgirl without a website (even a bad-ass tumblr can qualify as a website), isn’t going to have much luck. The fakes that aren’t in this for the long term, and thus don’t care about gaining a following or a reputation as scammers, tend not to have websites or do link exchanges with fellow independent camgirls. They’re out of the loop, operating on the sidelines scamming guys wherever they can.

Check out the websites or blogs of potential independent skype camgirls you’re interested in getting to know better…do they have pictures that look real (rather than a bunch of ambiguous self-shots that could have been lifted off Chive), do they have a link to a youtube preview video, a blog that contains more than ‘mmmm I’m so horny bb’ and cam show information, do they appear on any content (camgirl videos) sites or listing directories? Real independent camgirls put ourselves into our work and we’re all over the internet as real people rather than just a website name. As such, a quick check of an independent camgirl’s website or tumblr should give you a pretty good idea of whether she’s the real thing.

Payment Processing

I know I’ve written about this a million times, but the easiest way to tell if an independent camgirl is legit is to check out her processing options. Does she offer Western Union or paypal? If so, be wary. Not every girl who uses paypal is a fake but all the fakes use paypal. It’s exactly the same as the rectangle/square concept (and you never thought grade one math would come in handy, ha!). That applies to independent skype camgirl listing directories as well…sites that offer paypal as a payment option are unprofessional and best avoided. Since these sites don’t plan to be around for long, you can’t really trust that you’ll get the quality cam shows you pay for. On the listing directory tip, check to see if the site performs verifications of the skype camgirls who list there. Most do but there are a few that don’t, and surprise surprise the known fakes tend to congregate there.

Chat Bots

Another form of fake camgirls that has been around for years is the chat bot. These crack me up, even as a camgirl myself I get messages from fake girls on skype (they always have inane names like ‘tiffanysquirtt4u’ or some shit) πŸ™‚ telling me they just got out of the shower and are dying to play. Yeah, sure you are. πŸ˜€ No real independent camgirl will troll skype messaging guys randomly, so if you get hit up by some random stranger chances are they aren’t a real camgirl. Rather, these chat bots are usually controlled by affiliates who try to get guys to sign up to cam sites through their referral links. I mention this type of fake mostly cuz they amuse me with their over-the-top chat messages. Luckily, they are so transparent I doubt anyone with three working brain cells would ever fall for their game, but there it is. If you hear from tiffany send her my regards πŸ˜€

So yeah, I think it’s an absolutely amazing thing that independent skype camgirls are becoming more popular, despite the inevitable hangers-on that want to scam and make a quick buck, not caring how their actions impact upon the rest of us . Ultimately the broadening of the niche benefits us all, y’all who get to discover how awesome we are and we independent camgirls who gain exposure to new playmates we wouldn’t have met otherwise. Luckily, the people who want to scam burn out quickly and they can’t replicate the real web presence of the real camgirls who are invested in this niche.

If you’re ever in the mood to play when I’m not around, check out the little skype camgirl directory I run. All the camgirls listed there are real camgirls on skype who are here to stay, and we’re simply the best at what we do πŸ™‚