independent cam girls love cat pawsindependent cam girls love cat pawsQuinn69 Cam Show Pics


 If this is your first visit to my camgirl blog and haven’t met me on webcam yet for a skype cam sex show yet, check out my pics below and learn a little more about what I’m into, on cam and off. Hope you like em!


First and foremost I’m a camgirl who loves creativity and laughter. To me the best thing about cam sex is that it isn’t recorded porn, rather that it involves live symbiotic experiences between unique individuals who each bring their own fantasies, turn ons and kinks to the skype call. One of the things I love most is role play, I’m not a very good actress but I adore getting into sexual roles, and I adore my playmates who aren’t afraid to let loose and share something with me that transcends ‘just getting off’, although don’t get me wrong that’s a damn high priority for both of us 🙂

I am a camgirl who is hopelessly in love with smoking. I know it’s unhealthy but it’s my only vice so I allow myself to indulge. To me smoking is an inherently sensual act that goes wickedly with lingerie, and there’s nothing more satisfying after a deliriously intense skype cam sex session than wrapping my lips around a cigarette and inhaling a deep drag. When I first started exploring becoming a fetish camgirl, smoking cam shows were my introduction to the awesome world of fetish sex.

When out in ‘the real world’ I’m a bit of a scrub, but I love the look and feel of sexy lingerie. On cam you’ll find me in anything ranging from thigh high stockings and racy slips to teeny lace bras and g strings, and whatever I’m wearing I love the sensation of a hot guy (or chica) tearing it off me.

In a word, I ADORE fetish, I’ve gotten so into fetish skype sex I now consider myself as much a fetish girl as I a camgirl, and throughout the years I’ve explored and mastered a range of fetishes, some of which I’d never even heard of before I started working as a camgirl. Some of my favorites are smoking, Domination, CFNM, muscle fetish, cuckolding and power exchange, but I never perform the same scenario twice. Each cam show should be a unique experience and every fetishist has personalized desires (as do I, which tend to shift and change depending on my moods). 😀


Visit me to book a private skype cam sex or fetish show at

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