My Skype Camgirl Blog Feature Posts

skype camgirl blog snapshot

Ok, first things first, I’m all about discretion. I would not and never will post pics or the contact info of any of my cam sex playmates here on my skype camgirl blog without your express permission. Truth is, unless you’re damn special you gotta beg as well as pay for the privilege 🙂

How To Appear On My Skype Camgirl Blog

To be featured on my skype camgirl blog you must pay an additional $40 feature fee as well as the cost of whatever cam sex playtime we spend together, and even then this isn’t an option open to anyone. I’m not going post someone on my beloved blog that I don’t really know, so please don’t message me asking to appear before we’ve even been on cam together. This blog is pretty special to me, so I’m not about to post all and sundry just cuz it gets your cocks hard 🙂

Regarding takedowns, at any time you can request that I remove your pics and post(s). I don’t charge anything to take things down because this is supposed to be fun for both of us. If it stops being fun for you it’s gone, just email me a request and I’ll do it asap. 🙂

tl;dr: to appear on my skype camgirl blog get to know me, and allow me to do the same in return. Pay a $40 feature fee on top of the skype cam sex playdate we arrange and I’ll take pictures of you during our show. I’ll then post them here however I see fit, knowing that how I do so will make you hard, and with my own entertainment being my primary motivation. Of course 😀

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