Do You and Eff the Noise: A Camgirl Mantra


camgirl in blue tank top and jeans

While every skype camgirl needs to keep on top of events in her niche as they unfold, there’s such a thing as being too involved. 🙂 Here I’ll be discussing the policing of others through what I simply term ‘the noise’ and I’ll be adding my view on why this sort of micromanaging is a total waste of time.

What is the Noise: Camgirl Distractions

Simply put, I characterize ‘the noise’ as paying far too much attention to what other cam girls do, say and charge, and I really believe that in order to achieve your peak level of camgirl success you need to avoid that kind of distraction. This noise is a risk for all types of camgirls but I think independent camgirls can be much more negatively impacted by these distractions because we occupy a smaller niche than our peers who work the ‘big box’ cam sites, and we often share customers in common due to the smaller pool of playmates who choose skype cam sex shows (although happily this pool is growing rapidly, to all our benefit) 🙂 We know our peers in this niche, we visit each other’s sites and we stay on top of changes as they occur in our little niche of the cam sex world, and the reality is it’s impossible to be successful while not paying attention to changes as they unfold. That said, being over-involved in the choices of others is self-defeating and distracts from the goal of building strong and independent camgirl businesses.

Staying attuned to the industry is far different than obsessing over the actions of our peers. Every day I read and hear independent camgirls complain about the rates charged by others and the types of shows offered by others and I think this is type of mentality is a total waste of focus and energy. Yes, we’re all ultimately competitors in this niche, but the singular actions of another camgirl can never hurt your bottom line or your business. Below I’ll be outlining and rebutting some of the main ‘noise’ complaints I come across.

Camgirls Who Charge Less are Ruining My Business!

Deep breath sister, no they’re not. Here’s why: men who visit independent camgirls are seeking unique and personalized skype cam sex experiences, if all they wanted was a lowest cost option they’s be on a free tube site watching videos, not messaging you. Cam show cost is not the determining factor for most cam sex customers, they simply want to have a wicked time with a camgirl who shares their vibe and interests.

While as a group we do collectively set the tone for average rates in our niche, for most guys rates aren’t the primary concern: finding the perfects camgirl (or camgirls) for them is. Truth is, even the guys who are ‘bargain hunters’ quickly realize that girls who charge far below average tend to give their shows less than their all, but most guys they simply want a camgirl they click with, a camgirl they know will do their best to make a cam sex show extraordinary. Charge whatever you need to make doing skype cam shows worthwhile and the guys who want what you offer will come.

Cam Girls Who Do Extreme Acts are Taking My Customers: I Can’t Compete With That!

Speaking as an independent camgirl who isn’t comfortable with extreme acts, my reply would simply be this: don’t compete. The types of shows desired by our playmates are as varied and expansive as our customer base itself: not every guy is looking for double anal while squirting and spinning a top. 🙂 If you don’t want to perform extreme acts, carve out a unique niche for yourself and rock it.

I’m trying to be careful about how I word this section, because I don’t want to suggest that there’s anything wrong with camgirls who perform extreme acts or the customers who enjoy them. Truth is there isn’t anything wrong with extreme: it’s simply a matter of personal boundaries and personalized tastes. All I’m saying is that there’s no need to feel threatened by girls who do extreme cam shows, they’ve simply chosen a niche that works for them. There’s no real reason why any camgirl needs to follow ANY particular path in order to achieve success, so choose another niche and excel within it. Do your own thing amazing well and the guys will come. Even better, they’ll revisit you. 🙂

I’m a pretty staid camgirl when it comes to extreme shows…hell, I don’t even do anal, but I’ve never felt that my choices have hindered my earnings. This is because I’ve focused upon other aspects of cam sex that I do enjoy and I’ve tried hard to cultivate my skills in my chosen niches. For real, getting all upset over a camgirl who chooses to perform a different style of cam sex than oneself is about as logical as getting irked by camgirls who speak another language. Not every camgirl will appeal to every customer, so make sure you do your best to stand out in your niche by giving your shows 100% every time you turn on your cam.

That Camgirl Said Something Awful on Twitter

Ahhh, the twitter wars. As I’ve talked about before I’m doing my best to use twitter even though I hate it, and I’m constantly amazed by how many people seem to enjoy fighting with strangers online. This is the worst type of time wasting, AND advertising, as every camgirl who engages in social media fighting is essentially broadcasting to the world that she has way too much time on her hands. Camgirls who are successful and busy don’t have time for this sort of thing. Even worse, the only people who would be interested in this type of drama are those who are equally bored, and those people aren’t customers. In reality, our playmates visit us to get away from discord and drama; they seek escape, not the burden of immature scuffles. Fighting on the internet is not smart or hot; rather it alienates real customers and attracts bored cellar dwellers who will never book a show but hang around for the cat fight. Walk away and be the better person, it isn’t worth damaging your image or your peace of mind over nonsense.

Why Is ‘The Noise’ So Damaging?

I look at the matter this way: as an independent camgirl I’m responsible for every aspect of my business. If I succeed it’s due to me. If I fail I’m responsible. Taking responsibility for our businesses is a vital mentality for all entrepreneurs, in that the alternative of focusing on perceived external barriers to success prevents us from focusing on what WE can do to alter and adapt to enhance our bottom line. Focusing on the behaviors of others detracts from us focusing on ourselves, and it negates the power we have to forge our own unique enterprises through our own unique ideas. Blaming others is the opposite of taking responsibility, and I’ve found that cam girls who rail against and police the actions of their peers tend to forget that they have a tremendous amount of agency in determining the success or failure of their business.

In sum, ‘the noise’ is a toxic element involving the overpolicing of peers, and every camgirl focused upon building a successful business needs to avoid it. Do your own thing, do it exceedingly well and you’ll find that the actions/behaviours of your peers that you find objectionable aren’t at all relevant to your business. Trust your work ethic, trust your skills and give this job 100% and you’ll succeed no matter who else is doing what. Do you and fuck the noise.

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