How to be Taken Seriously When Seeking Skype Domination

skype domination webcam snapshot

Notes on Submissives Seeking Skype Domination Cam Shows

First off, some full disclosure here. I’m not a lifestyle Domme in that I don’t participate in off-cam BDSM activities, fetish sex of all kinds is something I sort of ‘grew into’ for lack of a better word, during my years exploring sexuality on skype and yahoo. Probably my perspective on fetish skype sex is best summed up here, in that I don’t follow formulas and strictures, and I don’t involve myself in anything hard core that could end up with someone being physically harmed. That stuff I’ll leave to the professional Dommes who hold far more experience than I. For me fetish sex is about exploration on both sides, and I really believe that skype shows are the perfect venue for exploring desires that many aren’t comfortable partaking in ‘in real life’. That said, fetish skype sex of all types has become an increasingly dominant (see what I did there?) πŸ™‚ Β theme in my skype cam shows, and I’ve noticed some particular patterns that I feel warrant a post here on my skype sex blog.

What is Domination?

Skype domination involves me, or rather my alter ego Lady J, taking possession of your mind, your thoughts, your actions….even what you crave is given over to me to bend and twist according to my whims. Sometimes domination takes physical forms (such as CBT and flogging) but while I’m a huge fan of spanking and wielding my strap-on for forced bi shows I’m much more fascinated and entertained by the mental facets of skype domination. Since my entertainment is the first and only priority during domination cam sex, the mental and verbal is always at the forefront of my style of Domination.

Β How to Be Taken Seriously When Seeking Skype Domination

Granted, I tend to be more of a workaholic type A personality than your average human being and I’ve turned ignoring annoying people in general into a precise art, but I tend to immediately ignore any professed sub who messages me on yahoo by addressing me as ‘Goddess’. Why, you ask? I ignore these people because to me it’s a huge warning sign that the dude is simply looking for some free text chat to get off on his fantasy, and it also demonstrates to me that the person really isn’t all that interested in a unique and memorable change between two human beings. Goddess is a fairly generic term…Skype Dommes who use the name ‘Goddess’ do so as part of their persona, making that term unique and special to them. Stripped of any attached identity the term Goddess means nothing to me or to the guy who uses the term, and besides, dudes need to pay to earn the privilege of calling me my Domme name of choice.

That brings me to my next point…another ban-worthy offense is expecting to get into specific details of what the indivdual seeks in a skype domination show before he even books one. Part of domination, actually, part of being a decent human being is respecting the time of others. I know throughout the years I’ve banned some probably great dudes simply because they didn’t understand that fantasy chat isn’t free and I didn’t feel like stopping what I was doing to explain that simple policy to ’em πŸ™‚ The way I look at it, before we enter into a skype domination arrangement you’re not my sub, so don’t call me Goddess.

Granted, these rules are mine, but the prinicple behind them can pretty much be applied universally. As a skype camgirl OR a skype Dominatrix I’m not paid to get naked, I’m paid for my time and undivided attention, and expecting to get that without paying for it just isn’t on, ever. If you’re serious about wanting a skype domination show, contact me, give me a general idea of what you seek (please not I’m not interested in Financial Domination so you’ll have to seek elsewhere for that) and then pull out your credit card. After those formalities are over with we can get on to the good stuff, which is exploring what I want to do to you on cam and then having my way with you, preferably in cam to cam πŸ™‚

I was compelled to write this because in this past week alone I’ve banned several dudes simply because they messaged me with some inane variation of ‘o Goddess let me serve you’. Yawn πŸ™‚ They make me even more grateful for my real playmates who share experiences with me, instead of seeking a warm body to fill a pre-determined ‘slot’. I’ve never filled pre-conceived slots very well, I think that’s a good thing πŸ™‚

Continuing the Skype Sex Mission


skype sex girl in black thigh high stockings

Skype Sex Converts: A Camgirl on a Mission πŸ™‚

So wow, it feels like almost every day I’m meeting a new skype sex playmate who’s brand new to skype camgirls and independent cam shows. How cool is that? As I’ve written in the past I really believe in this niche and one of the purposes of this skype sex blog is to show the uninitiated how awesome skype sex can really be. I love that it’s actually working πŸ™‚

Just as more and more skype camgirls are realizing that with a lot of hard work we can make amazing independent businesses for ourselves and fuck the cam sites, I’m encountering more and more guys who are choosing to venture into skype sex. I’m loving the reactions I’m receiving when I ask my new playmates about their first plunge into skype sex; it really does blow the cam sites out of the water in terms of audio and video quality, particularly during cam 2 cam, and everything I’m hearing is overwhelmingly positive. Yeah, I think I might have a little bit to do with that :), but the truth is skype sex is better than the cam sites. That’s why it’s always such a treat to share a playmate’s first independent cam show experience.

independent camgirls topless and posing in bed

I know I sound like a huge goof but introducing new playmates to skype sex really delights me, and I am honored that so many of you choose to share your first independent cam show experiences with me. While I really believe we independent skype camgirls are the best of the best, without our cam sex playmates we don’t have much. A huge thanks to every one of you who supports this niche by choosing to venture into skype sex.

If you haven’t tried it yet, message me on skype already and let me blow your…mind πŸ˜€

Skype Sex Lingo


skype sex girl showing her tits

The Terminology of Skype Sex and Independent Cam Girls

For those uninitiated in skype sex and independent camgirls, below you’ll find a description of some of the main terms we use in this niche of the cam sex world

Independent Camgirls/Skype Camgirls– Camgirls who offer live yahoo and skype sex as independent cam girls, unaffiliated with a cam sex site. While many independent camgirls also work the network cam sites, independent camgirls who perform skype sex and fetish cam shows handle their own processing.
Skype Sex– Cam sex experiences using personal messenger services such as yahoo, skype and msn.
Booking a Cam Show-Making a payment for a skype sex call through an independent skype camgirl’s personal website or listing site profile
Independent Camgirl Listing Directories– Websites that list/feature a variety of independent camgirls offering yahoo, msn and skype sex. Some independent camgirl listing directories mandate payment through that website’s processor, whereas others permit independent camgirls to direct customers to their personal websites for payment for skype sex, videos, etc.
Skype Phone Sex– Audio-alone (no webcam) sex calls performed using yahoo or skype. While many independent camgirls also offer phone sex using an actual phone rather than skype, skype phone sex has the benefit of being free (eg: no long distance charges)
Cam to Cam– Skype sex video calls in which both parties to the call view each other’s webcams.
Previews– A brief 30 second video call prior to payment for cam sex, for the purposes of allowing the customer to view the skype camgirl’s video stream quality. Most independent skype camgirls do not offer previews, and many that do charge a small fee for doing so. Typically that small fee is put towards the cost of a webcam sex show.
Carrying Over Minutes From a Skype Sex Call– A highly individualized practice of potentially allowing skype sex playmates to ‘carry over’ unused minutes on to a new skype sex call at a later date. Most independent camgirls who do offer ‘carry over minutes’ (and many do not, so check beforehand if this is a concern to you) only apply these minutes to a new skype sex booking.
Custom Camgirl Videos– Videos that are pre-ordered and customized to a customer’s specifications. Typcially custom videos are priced higher than pre-existing videos that are not customized to a customer’s specific requests.
skype camgirl in pink thong squeezing her tits

Β There ya have it, the lingo of independent camgirls and skype sex. I know this info is common knowledge to a lot of y’all, but since I encounter get a lot of readers (and playmates) brand new to skype sex I wanted to create a little guide to some of the terms we throw around. For those already initiated into the wonderful world of independent camgirls and skype sex, I threw in a couple of pics to (hopefully) make this post worth your while πŸ™‚

Cam 2 Cam Skype Sex: Why You Need to Try It


cam 2 cam webcam snapshot of jesseq in blue french cut panties

First Things First: What is Cam 2 Cam?

I’m sure the term cam 2 cam is pretty well known to most, but I encountered a skype sex newbie the other day who wasn’t aware of the fact that cam sex can involve cam 2 cam (or, both parties to the webcam session viewing each other’s webcams) so I figured I’d write a short post about what it is, and more importantly, why it’s so damn awesome πŸ™‚


What’s So Special About Cam 2 Cam Sex?

Selfishly, I’m into cam 2 cam because I’m a hugely visual creature. I get off on sounds, sensations AND visuals, so viewing my playmate’s webcam during a skype sex call makes things more intense for me. I know I’m not alone there. Beyond that, the whole point of skype sex is interaction, and that connection/symbiotic interaction is more pronounced for both of us when I can see you, rather than just a skype icon on a computer screen. As I don’t simply perform a rountine ‘show’, I enjoy adapting what I do to what turns us both on, and the more visual feedback we can give ach other, the easier it is to experience something together.


Cam 2 Cam Skype Sex and Discretion

If you’re shy or prefer to be discreet and not show yur face, cam 2 cam skype sex can still be an option. There’s no rule that you need to show your face, and while I do enjoy seeing all of my skype sex partners it’s way more important that we both feel comfortable on cam. If you don’t wish to reveal your face there’s absolutely no need to do so, and you can simply angle the cam down to reveal other points of interest on your body. Beyond the obvious, for example, I’m a huge fan of men’s shoulders. It’s not quite a full-blown fetish, per se, but shoulders are a body part that has always been a huge turn on πŸ™‚

If you want to make absolutely sure your cam isn’t showing your face, you can test your cam prior to us making a skype sex call but clicking on ‘video’ and then ‘video settings’. On that pop-up screen you can adjust your camera angle to ensure that your face is off-screen.

I’m a huge fan of cam 2 cam sex because I’ve always found that it makes skype sex that much more intense and enjoyable, and throughout the years I’ve definitely found that most of my skype sex partners feel the same. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend that you do so. Bet you’ll be a convert πŸ™‚

My Skype Camgirl Blog Feature Posts

skype camgirl blog snapshot

Ok, first things first, I’m all about discretion. I would not and never will post pics or the contact info of any of my cam sex playmates here on my skype camgirl blog without your express permission. Truth is, unless you’re damn special you gotta beg as well as pay for the privilege πŸ™‚

How To Appear On My Skype Camgirl Blog

To be featured on my skype camgirl blog you must pay an additional $40 feature fee as well as the cost of whatever cam sex playtime we spend together, and even then this isn’t an option open to anyone. I’m not going post someone on my beloved blog that I don’t really know, so please don’t message me asking to appear before we’ve even been on cam together. This blog is pretty special to me, so I’m not about to post all and sundry just cuz it gets your cocks hard πŸ™‚

Regarding takedowns, at any time you can request that I remove your pics and post(s). I don’t charge anything to take things down because this is supposed to be fun for both of us. If it stops being fun for you it’s gone, just email me a request and I’ll do it asap. πŸ™‚

tl;dr: to appear on my skype camgirl blog get to know me, and allow me to do the same in return. Pay a $40 feature fee on top of the skype cam sex playdate we arrange and I’ll take pictures of you during our show. I’ll then post them here however I see fit, knowing that how I do so will make you hard, and with my own entertainment being my primary motivation. Of course πŸ˜€